Gauge Bosons are the force carriers for the fundamental forces of nature. The Standard Model currently recognizes three kinds of gauge bosons: photons, which carry the electromagnetic force; gluons, which carry the strong force, and W and Z bosons, which carry the weak force. The fourth fundamental force— gravitation— is speculated to also be carried by a hypothetical gauge boson, dubbed the graviton.
Scalar Bosons are bosons whose spin equals zero. ‘Boson’ refers to particles with integer-valued spin; 'scalar' fixes this value to include zero as an 'integer'.The name “scalar boson”; arises from quantum field theory and is concept derived from transformation properties under Lorentz transformations; which essentially attempt to explain the apparent oddities and contradictions that can occur between two observers in space-time. There are various known existing composite particles (non-fundamental particles) that are scalar bosons- the alpha particle and the pi meson are two such examples- but the Higgs Boson is the only fundamental scalar boson ever recorded and the only one predicted to exist by the Standard Model.